Otorhinolaryngology services

LOR Klinika provides assistance in acute conditions such as: acute sinusitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, external and middle otitis, hearing impairment, nasal trauma.

Accurate diagnosis and treatment of chronic diseases: chronic polyposis sinusitis, chronic tonsillitis and pharyngitis, laryngeal form of gastroesophageal reflux disease, rhinitis of various forms, nasal congestion (nasal congestion), snoring and sleep apnea, ear apnea, , nasal, pharyngeal and laryngeal pathologies.

The price of the visit includes a doctor's consultation and tests and / or procedures.


Consultation with a doctor of otorhinolaryngology - 70 €
Repeat consultation with a doctor of otorhinolaryngology - 40 €
Consultation with an otorhinolaryngologist - € 50
Repeat consultation with an otolaryngologist - 30 €

Examination on the function of the ears, nose, throat and larynx

Ear endomicroscopy - 10 €
Vestibular system research - 10 €
Nasal and sinus endomicroscopy - 10 €
Pharyngeal endomicroscopy - 10 €
Laryngeal endomicroscopy - 10 €

Diagnostic and therapeutic intervention procedures

Ear cleaning, toilet, secretion removal - 10 €
Ointment from the ear (with the growth of microorganisms and sensitivity to drugs) - 30 €
Sulfur plug washing, extraction - 20 €
Removal of a foreign body from the ear - 50 €
Purge of the auditory tube according to Politzer - 10 €
Catheter flushing of the auditory tube - 15 €
Flushing of the auditory tube during medication administration - 20 €
Medication injection - 10 €
Chemical incineration of ear granulations - 10 €
External auditory applications are 10 €
Retroauricular and meatotimpanal blockades - 10 €
Opening of retroauricular abscesses - 50 €
Paracentesis - 50 €
Endomicroscopic ear biopsy (material collection only) - € 100
Initial treatment of ear wounds - 100 €
Othematoma incision - 100 €
Removal of benign tumor of the earlobe - 100 €
Ear polyectomy - 100 €
Timpanogram. Acoustic reflex test - 20 €


Nasal cleansing, toilet, mucus removal - 10 €
Nasal smear (with the growth of microorganisms and sensitivity to drugs) - 30 €
Burning of the nasal mucosa with chemicals - 20 €
Endonasal blockade - 15 €
Removal of foreign bodies from the nose - 50 €
Sinus punctures - 50 €
Endomicroscopic submucosal electrocoagulation of nasal shells - 150 €
Dislocation of nasal shells - 150 €
Nasal bone reposition - 170 €
Repositioning of the nasal septum - 150 €
Nasal anterior tamponade / electrocoagulation of the bleeding site - 60 €
Nasal posterior tamponade - 100 €
Endoscopic nasal biopsy (intake only) - € 100
Endoscopic sinus biopsy of the maxillary sinus - 150 €
Initial treatment of nasal wounds - 100 €
Polypectomy - 150 €
Removal of benign tumors of the nasal skin and subcutaneous tissue - 100 €
Excision of nasal scars and adhesions - 100 €


Removal of a foreign pharyngeal body - 50 €
Flushing of tonsils - 20 €
Chemical burning of the pharyngeal mucosa - 20 €
Throat smear (with microbial growth and drug sensitivity) - 30 €
Opening of the paratonsiilar abscess / puncture and aspiration of the pharyngeal derivative - 100 €
Pharyngeal blockade - 30 €
Pharyngeal biopsy - € 100

Installation in the throat - 20 €
Removal of a foreign body - 60 €
Chemical incineration of larynx and vocal folds - 20 €
Laryngeal blockade - 20 €
Laryngeal biopsy (material collection only) - € 100